Extension of permanent exhibition
German Museum Munich
Energy Technology - How much energy does man need?
German Museum
New energy technologies are becoming increasingly important in these times of global climate change. For this reason, the Deutsches Museum (German Museum) decided to remodel the first section of its permanent exhibition. An important factor for imparting information was to arouse enthusiasm for the subject matter. With this in mind, we developed a host of opportunities ...
... for exploring various forms of energy through “hands-on” exhibits. How much energy, for instance, is required to bring a litre of water to the boil? In order to find out the answer, entire school classes have to pedal hard as a team on a reclining bicycle with an LED dial indicating the level of their performance. But even when working as a team, it is not easy to keep generating the 1000 watts that are required for an immersion coil to heat water to 100°C. It is easier, yet no less impressive, to go to another terminal and play the CO2 game to discover how much CO2 each individual creates. A balloon inside a large cylinder simultaneously indicates the equivalent volume of CO2 emissions produced per hour. Full of curiosity and charged with some general knowledge about the subject, visitors then leave the “energy globe” to delve into the various forms of energy generation displayed within the permanent exhibition.
In museums like the Deutsches Museum in Munich, which attracts around 1.5 million visitors per year, the durability of such interactive exhibits is extremely important. This is why we attach the highest importance to premium materials and professional execution in designing and producing such exhibits.