Permanent Exhibition


Sparkasse Pforzheim Calw

DIMENSION: 1.000 m2


Gold. Money. Society.
Sparkasse Pforzheim Calw

Why are awards like the Bambi statue almost always made out of gold? And what does this have to do with Sparkasse Pforzheim Calw? The new permanent exhibition “Gold. Money. Society” provides answers to these questions. With its headquarters in the centre of the German jewellery and clock-making industry,

Die Werft - Gold. Money. Society. Die Werft - Gold. Money. Society. Die Werft - Gold. Money. Society. Die Werft - Gold. Money. Society. DIE WERFT - Gold. Money. Society. DIE WERFT - Gold. Money. Society. DIE WERFT - Gold. Money. Society. DIE WERFT - Gold. Money. Society. DIE WERFT - Gold. Money. Society. DIE WERFT - Gold. Money. Society. DIE WERFT - Gold. Money. Society.