Special exhibition
prior to adoption as a permanent exhibition


Museum Fünf Kontinente, München
(Five Continents Museum) Munich


1.000 m² exhibition space
1.300 m² wall space


Myanmar. Pagodas, longyis and nat spirits.
Museum Fünf Kontinente (Five Continents Museum), Munich

The colourful silk umbrellas of Myanmar, used by the ethnically diverse population of the country to protect themselves from the sun, are very popular souvenirs for tourists and can be found all over the country too.

DIE WERFT - Ausstellungsgestaltung Innenarchitektur DIE WERFT - Special exhibition DIE WERFT - Special exhibition DIE WERFT - Five Continents Museum Munich DIE WERFT - Myanmar. Pagodas, longyis and nat spirits DIE WERFT - Munich DIE WERFT -  Lake “Inle” DIE WERFT - Völkerkundemuseum München DIE WERFT - Irrawaddy DIE WERFT - Myanmar
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